A Celebration of Luck, Love & Prosperity

A Celebration of Luck, Love & Prosperity
Siam Discovery Year of the Dragon

暹罗中心Siam Discovery龙年活动

Siam Discovery invites everyone to Come and Play With Us!! Join the wealth-enhancing activities amid the atmosphere of Love of Discovery, welcoming the Year of the Dragon and Valentine's Day 2024, "Year of The Dragon: A Celebration of Luck, Love & Prosperity.” Encounter good fortune and success.

Siam Discovery暹罗探索邀请大家来参加添富纳财活动!一起来玩!!在探索爱的环境氛围中迎接2024龙年和情人节,"Year of The Dragon : A Celebration of Luck, Love & Prosperity”,龙年:喜迎好运、爱和成功。

Experience the ultimate masterpiece of dragon art, "Dragon's Love Journey", designed by world-class artist Anchorball (Ken Kelleher). Then, have fun with "Seamsee," a digital fortune telling and challenge to win special privileges with the "Dragon Stairs" at Discovery Plaza, and add vibrancy to the Valentine's atmosphere at "Sweet Space" with sweet treats from Love Market on the 3rd floor and flower stalls from ARES. And continue to shop for flowers and enjoy workshops at the general "Blooming Space" on the G floor.

来认识世界级艺术家 AnchorballKen Kelleher)设计的顶尖龙纹艺术作品 龙爱之旅Dragon's Love Journey”,再来体验数字形式“Seamsee”的乐趣,来试试您的运气,在暹罗探索广场抽取龙天梯特别优惠。接着来甜蜜空间“Sweet Space”增添情人节甜蜜气氛,在3层 爱情市场Love Market的甜品店,以及ARES店的花拱门,G“Blooming Space”区域为特殊人士服务的插花工作坊。

Don't miss it! The highly anticipated highlight of the Chinese New Year festival, the "Lucky Lion Troop," moving with lion dance performances from 9-11 February. Enjoy mini-concerts from various artists throughout the month.

千万不要错过!众所期盼的春节重头戏 “Lucky Lion Troop”29日至211日舞狮巡游表演,还可欣赏来自艺人们的迷你音乐会表演,用音乐传递一整月的幸福。

***Special promotion when shopping at participating stores: receive a SIAM GIFT CARD worth 100 Baht when you spend 4,000 Baht or more, or receive a SIAM GIFT CARD worth 300 Baht when you spend 8,000 Baht or more. Redeem your SIAM GIFT CARD at the REDEMPTION COUNTER at SIAM Discovery's G floor.

Discover and enjoy all these extraordinary experiences at SIAM Discovery throughout this event from 5-29 February 2024.

***还可享受特殊优惠!在参与活动的商店和品牌专柜购物满 4,000 泰铢即可获赠价值 100 泰铢的暹罗礼品卡SIAM GIFT CARD;购物满 8,000 泰铢以上可获得价值 300 泰铢的暹罗礼品卡。在暹罗探索Siam Discovery G 层兑换柜台领取暹罗礼品卡。

快来暹罗探索 Siam Discovery寻找并体验这些快乐,在202425日至29日整个二月期间都有。