Bangkok One Day with Arts and Design

Art lovers don’t miss exploring art pieces and chic designs in downtown Bangkok. Don’t forget to apply for your Tourist Card, get up to 30% discount from participating brands + 6% Downtown VAT Refund, and a 30-minute massage at VIE Hotel Bangkok, click:

免费申请国际旅客优惠卡即可获得 5-30% 折扣+ 百丽宫百货5% 折扣和最高 6% 增值税退税。

10.00-11.00 hrs Visit Bangkok Art & Cultural Center, by riding BTS to The National Stadium BTS Station. Enjoy new-age art pieces by Thai and international artists.

10:00-11:00 参观位于BTS国家体育馆站旁的曼谷艺术文化中心 (BACC),欣赏泰国本地艺术家和国际艺术家的当代艺术作品。

11.00-12.00 hrs Get yourself relaxed at VIE Hotel Bangkok, with a free 30-minute massage*, when purchasing a 60-minute massage at VIE Spa by ORGANIKA, VIE Hotel Bangkok

11:00-12:00 在曼谷VIE酒店体验全身按摩服务,舒缓放松身心。在曼谷VIE酒店购买60分钟的精油按摩服务,即可免费再享受30分钟的按摩*

13.00-15.00 hrs Visit Madame Tussauds Bangkok, on the 4th floor of Siam Discovery. Don’t miss exploring waxed models of world leaders and your favorite superstars!

13:00-15:00 参观位于暹罗探索Siam Discovery 4 层的世界级知名蜡像馆-曼谷杜莎夫人蜡像馆,与世界领导人和喜欢的明星进行亲密接触和合影留念!

15.00-17.00 hrs Shop and explore hi-fashion at Siam Discovery, where top brands from Europe and Japan, such as CLUB21, ALEXANDER WANG, PHILIP LIM are lining up for you. 

15:00-17:00 去暹罗探索Siam Discovery购物,各种高级时装品牌一应俱全,涵盖欧洲和日本品牌,包括CLUB21ALEXANDER WANGPHILIP LIM等。

Shop Thai contemporary art design products at ICONCRAFT, on the 3rd floor of Siam Discovery.

位于暹罗探索Siam Discovery 3层的ICONCRAFT,选购独具创新的泰国艺术品。

End your trip at PROHUB, ASEAN’s first esport club at Siam Discovery, 4th floor! Join the challenge for fun! Whether it is old-school games like Super Mario, fighting games like Tekken, or photogenic VR Reality room, we have tons for you to explore.

在位于暹罗探索Siam Discovery 4 楼的东南亚首家电子竞技中心 PROHUB 结束您的旅程! 加入挑战的乐趣! 无论是像超级马里奥这样的老派游戏,像铁拳这样的格斗游戏,还是上镜的 VR 现实房间,我们都有大量的乐趣供您探索。

• Special!! Get Siam Gift Card worth 800 THB*, when spending 20,000 THB at Siam Paragon, Siam Center, or Siam Discovery.
*T&C Apply. For more information, visit
Siam Gift Card required the minimum purchase, please check the terms at service counter

特惠! 在暹罗百丽宫Siam Paragon,暹罗中心Siam Center 或暹罗探索Siam Discovery 消费满 20,000 泰铢即可获得价值 800 泰铢* 的暹罗礼品卡。