Countdown to the Year End with ONESIAM
Happening today - 14 January 2024
2023年11月14日- 2024年1月14日
Don’t Miss the Chance to Bid Farewell to the Year at the World’s Festive Destination 2023!
Keep calm and be prepared to check the festive list we offer you this year!
来 “2023年世界节日目的地” 辞旧迎新吧,千万别错过!
Siam Paragon
Siam Paragon kicks off the season of joy with an exclusive festive experience. Meet with even more surprising world-class events, which create the phenomenon of elegance and happiness for all.
暹罗百丽宫Siam Paragon
• BVLGARI’s uniquely towering 15-meter Christmas tree radiates the light of happiness and hope under the theme of “Magnificent Wonders” Don't miss the chance to capture breathtaking moments!
From today - 16 Jan’24 at Parc Paragon, M floor, Siam Paragon.
• BVLGARI 打造了一棵高15米的圣诞树,以“Magnificent Wonders伟大奇观”为主题,散发着幸福与希望的光芒,矗立在暹罗百丽宫 M 层的Parc Paragon中央,即日起一直持续到2024年1月16日。
• “Siam Paragon Magical Balloon Wonderland Orchestra of the Skies”, a 360-degree spectacle of gigantic balloons from France’s Plasticiens Volants. Along with the show is the Orchestral music from the Kasetsart University Wind Symphony and Lydia–Sarunrat Visutthithada for a mesmerizing opening performance.
Happening on 8 – 11 Dec’23 from 19:00 – 20:00 at Parc Paragon, M floor, Siam Paragon.
• “暹罗百丽宫Siam Paragon魔幻气球仙境:空中管弦乐团”,见证由 20 多个气球和 30 多名表演者组成的空中管弦乐团演绎的奇幻故事,带来听觉与视觉上的双重享受。来自法国著名的飞行异人艺术气球队Plasticiens Volants 将与泰国农业大学管乐团以及泰国歌手 Lydia-Sarunrat Visutthithada 为大家带来精彩的开幕表演。
• “Siam Paragon International Performance Show”, by Le Dame e La Serva and Teatro Pavana from the Netherlands. You will be exhilarated with many fantasy characters on 15 – 17 Dec’23, 17:30 – 19.00 at Parc Paragon, M floor, Siam Paragon.
• “暹罗百丽宫Siam Paragon 国际嘉年华”,来自荷兰的 Le Dame e La Serva & Pappagalli 特别演出,沉浸在想象的魔幻世界里,享受这场惊险之旅,与身着华贵礼服的优雅女士以及一群色彩缤纷的鹦鹉一起尽情地跳舞。演出时间:2023年12月15日至17日,你一定会被许多奇幻人物深深吸引。

• "Siam Paragon Christmas Celebration" Experience the splendid surprise parade and the excellent performance of Amorous Ballad from France. Witness the graceful reindeer and the marvelous dance moves as they join the Christmas celebration. Starting 22 – 25 Dec’23, 17:30 – 19.00 at Parc Paragon, M floor, Siam Paragon.
• “暹罗百丽宫Siam Paragon圣诞庆典”,观看来自法国 Amorous Ballad 的惊喜游行和精彩演出,欣赏驯鹿优雅又美妙的舞姿,享受圣诞节这个幸福的时刻。他们将在2023年12月22日至25日为您带来快乐和如画般美好的音乐表演。

• Special! Get up close with Santa Claus and his helpers for smiles and joy on 24 – 25 Dec’23, with three sessions each day at 14:00, 16:00, and 18:00.
• 与圣诞老人近距离接触 ,2023年12月24日至25日,下午2:00,下午4:00和下午6:00(每天仅限3次)

• The Glorious Countdown Celebration 2024: Witness a full-scale concert featuring renowned Thai and international artists from December 29th to 31st, 2023, starting at 5:00 PM onwards. The lineup includes SLAPKISS, Ice Paris, Tilly Birds, ATLAS, ALLY, PLAMY, Three Man Down, 4EVE, NONT TANONT, Sarah Salola, GEMINI FOURTH NANON, MEAN, URBOYTJ, BUS, and more at Parc Paragon, M Floor at Siam Paragon
• 不要错过2023年12月29日至31日举行的一系列著名艺术家音乐会倒计时活动,他们将为这座城市带来无限欢乐。包括SLAPKISS, Ice Paris, Tilly Birds, ATLAS, ALLY, PLAMY, Three Man Down, 4EVE, NONT TANONT, Sarah Salola, GEMINI FOURTH NANON, MEAN, URBOYTJ, BUS等等。
Siam Discovery
• Fulfill the sustainable peeps with the only sustainable X’MAS tree in Thailand! Siam Discovery partners up with GC and Mascot BELLYGOM to upcycle used plastic to create a celebrative festival that highlights the air of warmth, amusement, and sustainability.
暹罗探索Siam Discovery
• 用泰国唯一一棵可持续性圣诞树实现可持续发展的愿望!暹罗探索Siam Discovery与GC和吉祥物BELLYGOM合作,对废旧塑料进行升级回收,营造出兼具温暖、娱乐和可持续发展的节日庆祝氛围。
• Meet with SUSTAINABLE LIVING X’MAS 2023, which is ready to spread the inspiration to separate used plastic and turn it back to recycling and upcycling. They are ready to spread sustainable happiness in this year’s Christmas. Get ready to take a cute selfie with the adorable pink bear, BELLYGOM, from South Korea on 17 Nov’23 – 14 Jan’24.
• 欢迎来到2023可持续生活圣诞节,它将为大家带来奇妙灵感,首先将使用过的塑料分离,然后将其重新回收升级,将在今年圣诞节为向大家传播一种可持续的幸福。2023可持续生活圣诞节将于2023年11月17日至2024年1月14日举行,欢迎在此期间与来自韩国的可爱的粉色熊BELLYGOM合影!
• MINI CONCERT throughout December: Special celebration experience for the joyous festival welcoming the New Year. Enjoy a MINI CONCERT that delivers happiness and entertainment from various artists and singers for everyone to enjoy to the fullest! Meet with Palmy, Violette Wautier, PROXIE, PERSES, TIGGER, CLUB AFTER CLASS, BONNADOL, 4EVE, PRETZELLE, Bowky Lion, from 12-31 Dec’23. 5 p.m. onwards at Discovery Plaza, G floor at Siam Discovery
• 暹罗探索 Siam Discovery还为您提供了一个特别的体验,庆祝新年的快乐,在整个12月与迷你音乐会共度! Palmy, Violette Wautier, PROXIE, PERSES, TIGGER, CLUB AFTER CLASS, BONNADOL, 4EVE, PRETZELLE, Bowky Lion 将于2023年12月12日至31日期间在暹罗探索Siam Discovery G楼 下午5点起参加迷你音乐会,千万不要错过!

• New Tasty Eateries at Flavor Lab: Discover an array of delicious meals at the newly curated restaurants at Siam Discovery, featuring popular establishments from Thailand, South Korea, the USA, and many more. You can indulge in scrumptious menus from Babyccino and Co., Bornga, KungThong, Sundububu & Mil Toast Express, Duck Donuts, and more. Treat your taste buds to a variety of mouth-watering menus.
• Flavor Lab 新风味区:在暹罗探索Siam Discovery新开放区的餐厅中探索一系列美味佳肴,包括 Babyccino and Co., Bornga, KungThong, Sundububu & Mil Toast Express, Duck Donuts 等热门餐厅。 各种令人垂涎欲滴的美味佳肴将满足您的味蕾!
Siam Center
暹罗中心Siam Center
• Welcomed by the overwhelming response from teenagers all over Bangkok! Siam Center teams up with XEVA x 789 and Bangkok to serve you “Siam Center Presents XEVA x 789 Cosmic Playground”, the ultimate mission to deliver enjoyment to the space. Don’t forget to come to take a picture of the graffiti art piece of the famous artist on 15 Nov 2023 and onwards, on G floor, Siam Center.
• 整个曼谷的年轻人都在热情呼唤它的到来!
暹罗中心与XEVA x 789和曼谷携手为您带来“暹罗中心Siam Center打造的XEVA x 789宇宙游乐场”,终极使命当然是为现场带来欢乐气氛。以《涂鸦防弹少年团10周年纪念》为代表作的韩国著名涂鸦艺术家XEVA与新生代偶像组合“789”一起,创作全新风格的街头艺术!我们诚邀全世界来暹罗地区体验前所未有的趣味庆祝气氛。别忘了从2023年11月15日起到暹罗中心Siam Center G层来拍摄这位著名艺术家的涂鸦艺术作品。
• Popmart Pop-up, a Paradise for Art Toy Lovers! Get Ready for a unique experience at the first-ever 'POP MART POP UP Store' at Siam Center. Explore a myriad of MEGA collections, Rare Blind Boxes, and the exclusive Dimoo Xmas Limited. Let's celebrate in a special ambiance, from today - 29 Feb’24 at Atrium 2, G floor, Siam Center.
• 暹罗中心Siam Center x泡泡玛特携手打造的超级大礼 “泡泡玛特泰国首家快闪店 @ 暹罗中心Siam Center”,全新优质酒店POP Crown Hotel开业。同时还有超酷单品和独特系列,迎接这个让人心潮澎湃的假期,这在泰国可是首次,第一个更是唯一一个! 尽在暹罗中心Siam Center G楼 Atrium 2
• Taste Renowned Eateries Across Asia at Siam Center! Celebrate the happy moment of this month by exploring a delectable world of renowned eateries from across Asia, such as Maji Curry, Tonkotsu Kazan Ramen, Guljak Topokki & Chicken, Mo-Mo-Paradise, and many more right in the heart of Bangkok! On the 2nd floor at Siam Center.
• 在暹罗中心Siam Center 品尝亚洲各地的知名餐厅! 探索亚洲各地著名餐厅的美味世界,庆祝这个月的快乐时刻,如 Maji Curry, Tonkotsu Kazan Ramen, Guljak Topokki & Chicken, Mo-Mo-Paradise 以及更多位于曼谷市中心的餐厅! 欢迎来到暹罗中心Siam Center 2楼。