ONESIAM The Magical Tale Celebration 2020

ONESIAM would like to invite everyone to join a celebration amid the wonderful fairy tale world right in downtown Bangkok. Come experience enchanting moments at the "ONESIAM The Magical Tale Celebration 2020" at Siam Paragon, Siam Center and Siam Discovery malls. Be prepared to receive the best promotion in this year :

Shop at Siam Center and Siam Discovery get up to 3,400 THB:
•  GET Dining Coupon worth 200 THB when spending 3,500 THB!(limited 500 pcs, 1 pcs/person)

•  GET Siam Gift Card worth 400 THB when spending 15,000 THB! (limited 500 pcs, 1 pcs/person)

•  Promotion only from 21 Nov 2019- 12 Jan 2020

•  FREE Siam Gift Card worth 300 THB when spending every 5,000 THB with Master Card and show your passport, *can combine receipts, (300 THB Siam Gift Card/every 5,000 THB only until 31 Dec 2019)

•  FREE Tourist Platinum Card (up to 30% discount) + Special Offers from Jim Thompson, Greyhound Café, Jung Saem Mool and many others
   • Siam Paragon:
   • Siam Center:

   • Siam Discovery :

•  Get Instant Cash! Up to 6% Vat Refund
   at Siam Paragon, G Floor  (Near Entrance to SEA LIFE Bangkok)

Able to redeem the coupon at
1. Siam Center, redemption counter, G Fl.(Near Estée Lauder)
2. Siam Discovery, redemption counter, G Fl.(Near elevator)

Terms and Conditions:
1. Dining Coupon worth 200 THB is limited to 500 pieces (1 piece/person). Dining coupon expiry date is 31 January 2020.

2. Siam Gift Card worth 400 THB is limited to 500 pieces (1 piece/person).
3. Get up to 3,400 THB when follow all these steps. Receive 5-30% discount when using Tourist Card at participating brands . Spending accumulative amount of 15,000 THB, receive Siam Gift Card worth 400 THB. If paid using MasterCard, receive on-top Siam Gift Card worth 900 THB. Redemption of a total of Siam Gift Card valued at 1,300 THB, receive VAT refund up to 6%
4. Receipts can be combined from all  stores in Siam Center and Siam Discovery.
5. Receipts must be issued on the same date as redemption date.
6. This campaign is exclusively for international customers.

The company reserves the right to change or adjust the promotion without prior notice

ONESIAM暹罗商圈诚邀各位参加ONESIAM 2020年魔法故事庆典活动,赴一场神奇而美妙的童话世界体验之旅。活动就在20191121日至2020112日暹罗百丽宫 Siam Paragon、暹罗中心Siam Center 和暹罗探索Siam Discovery 举办,欢迎您的到来!请准备好我们为您提供的特别优惠!

首先, 在暹罗中心Siam Center或暹罗探索Siam Discovery购物,可获取高达3,400 泰铢优惠 :
•  获取价值200泰铢餐券礼品卡,当购满 3,500 泰铢。(500 张, 一人/份)
   此券可适用于泰国创意料理 Greyhound Café,  甜品店Brix Dessert, Baan Ying 餐厅, 高级 Chilli Thai 泰国料理Restaurant, 著名Nara 泰国料理

•  获取价值400 泰铢暹罗礼品卡,当购满 15,000 泰铢。(500 张, 一人/份)

•  赠送价值300泰铢的暹罗礼品卡,每消费5,000泰铢并通过万事达卡支付,出示护照即可领取。* 可累计收据,(300 泰铢暹罗礼品卡/每消费优惠直到20191231日为止)

•  赠送白金游客卡(可享受最高至7折优惠!)+ 更大特惠( Jim Thompson, Greyhound Café, Jung Saem Mool 等多家参与活动店家)
   • 暹罗百丽宫 (Siam Paragon):
   • 暹罗中心 (Siam Center):
   • 暹罗探索 (Siam Discovery ):

•  现场领现金!最高达6%退税!于暹罗百丽宫G楼 (近SEA LIFE海洋世界入口)

•  暹罗中心:礼品兑换柜台,G楼(近CPS Chaps
•  暹罗探索:礼品兑换柜台,G楼 (近Marimekko,电梯)

1. 价值200泰铢的餐券礼品卡限量500张(每人限领1张)。
2. 价值400泰铢的暹罗礼品卡限量500张(每人限领1张)。
3. 获取最高达3,400泰铢优惠方式如下:在参与活动店家使用游客卡消费可享受9.5-7折优惠,消费累计满15,000泰铢即可领取价值400泰铢的暹罗礼品卡。若通过万事达卡支付,暹罗礼品卡加值900泰铢,共计1,300泰铢。此外还能享受最高至6%的退税。
4. 可累积暹罗中心及暹罗探索所有店家之消费单据。
5. 消费单据仅限当天使用。
6. 本活动仅限国际顾客参与。
7. 公司保留本活动最终解释权,若有变动恕不另行通知。