What’s happening in December at Siam Discovery?
Discovery Sensation at Siam Discovery
来暹罗探索参加 “Discovery Sensation” 活动
As the festive season approaches, Siam Discovery invites you to experience the extraordinary celebration of the year with the 'DISCOVERY SENSATION' campaign.
重要节日临近,暹罗探索诚邀您参加“DISCOVERY SENSATION”活动,体验暹罗探索今年非凡的庆祝活动。

Celebrate the first arrival in Thailand of BELLYGOM, the mischievous pink bear character from South Korea. The decorations are crafted from recyclable HDPE plastic bottles, creating an atmosphere adorned with Bellygom characters. Don't miss the chance to make lasting memories – encounter the BELLYGOM mascot daily. Capture the magic through photos, warm hugs, and create unforgettable moments with this charming character throughout the event.
2023 粉红小熊Bellygom和可持续性圣诞树来了!
来自韩国的粉红小熊Bellygom首次在泰国亮相,由可回收的 HDPE 塑料瓶制成,营造出装饰有 Bellygom 角色的氛围。 不要错过留下美好回忆的机会——每天都可以遇到 BELLYGOM 吉祥物。 可以通过照片形式以及温暖的拥抱感受魔法,并在活动期间与这个迷人的角色一起创造难忘的时刻。

Ensure you catch the landmark inviting friends, family, and loved ones to take photos with the "SUSTAINABLE LIVING X'MAS TREE 2023" Christmas tree and BELLYGOM at Discovery Plaza, G Floor, Siam Discovery, available now until 14 January 2024.
不可错过的标志性拍照打卡点!赶紧约上您的朋友、家人和爱人一起来与2023可持续性圣诞树和 BELLYGOM 合影拍照,就在暹罗探索Siam Discovery G楼 Discovery Plaza广场。即日起至 2024 年 1 月 14 日。

Get ready to capture moments with Bellygom, and enjoy many special promotions at LOFT, Siam Discovery, 2nd floor. Get ready to capture moments with Bellygom, and enjoy many special promotions. Explore new Bellygom collection items.
准备好与 Bellygom 一起捕捉精彩瞬间吧,还可以在暹罗探索 Siam Discovery 2 楼 LOFT 享受许多特别促销活动。 探索新的 Bellygom 系列物品。
Indulge in special meals at the newly curated restaurants at Siam Discovery. We have gathered popular restaurants from Thailand, South Korea, and the USA, including Babyccino and Co., Bornga, Sundububu & Mil Toast Express, Duck Donuts, and more. Experience the joy of the festive season with a variety of mouth-watering menus.
在暹罗探索新开餐厅享用特色美食,聚集了来自泰国、韩国和美国的热门餐厅,包括Babyccino and Co.,Bornga,Sundububu & Mil Toast Express, Duck Donuts等。 快来品尝各种美食吧,体验节日的欢乐。

BABYCCINO and Co., G floor: Your everyday eatery offering specialty coffee, fresh juice, and fresh pastries. The homey decoration will warm your heart.
BABYCCINO and Co.,G层:为您供应日常饮食,有特色咖啡、新鲜果汁和新鲜面包。

BORNGA, 3rd floor: Original Korean Style BBQ Cuisine restaurant from famous Chef, Baek Jong-Won, various Korean menu is waiting for you!
BORNGA,3层:名厨Baek Jong-Won主理的原汁原味韩式烧烤餐厅,各种韩式料理等你来品尝!

DUCK DONUTS, M floor: Popular Donut Brand from America with various flavors made to order.
DUCK DONUTS,M 层:来自美国的热门甜甜圈品牌,可以定制各种口味。

KUNGTHONG SEAFOOD, 3rd floor: A well-known Thai Seafood restaurant, with fresh ingredients, authentic Thai taste, and special menus that are served only at Siam Discovery
KUNGTHONG SEAFOOD,3层:知名泰式海鲜餐厅,食材新鲜,泰式口味正宗,还有暹罗探索独有的特色菜单。

Join together with STARBUCKS, 2nd floor, SUNDUBUBU & MIL TOAST EXPRESS, 2nd floor, KAGONOYA, 3rd floor, and THESIS, 1st floor, don’t miss out on the flavorful tastes from Flavor Lab!
不要错过Flavour Lab的美味!暹罗探索2楼星巴克,SUNDUBUBU & MIL TOAST EXPRESS,3楼KAGONOYA,以及1楼THESIS等候您的到来。

New Collection of Korean Street Brands
Unveil your Shopping Experience at Siam Discovery, the Destination of Korean Street Brands. Sit back, prepare, and pin your wishlist!
在暹罗探索 Siam Discovery开启您的购物体验,这里是韩国街头品牌的聚集地。 做好准备,钉上您的愿望清单!
Calryn, G Floor: A brand from South Korea known for its cozy bags, offering cute and trendy characters for teenage girls.

Mardi, G Floor: A charming brand famous for its flowery clothing, providing real-time collection updates from Korea.
K FASHION82, 2nd Floor: A Korean multibrand store offering various styles, including ADDSTUDIO, ALICE MARTHA, LIME LIKE, etc.

Adererror, M Floor: A norm-breaking brand expressing their DNA through freedom, limitlessness, and extraordinariness.
All of this awaits you to discover throughout the festive season at Siam Discovery.
Adererror,M 楼:一个打破常规的品牌,通过自由、无限和非凡来表达自己的 DNA。
在整个节日活动期间,所有这些精彩都等着您去暹罗探索Siam Discovery发现。
Special! Enjoy up to 30% discount at participating brands from ONESIAM Tourist Card,
Click to apply : https://bit.ly/3CL13fq

Fulfill your Vanity with our Deals, Exclusively for International Customers.
• GET FREE Pearada Capture Moments Souvenir when spending 3,000 THB
• GET FREE 50% Discount Voucher at Coral Lounge when spending 5,000 THB
• GET FREE 1,000 THB Siam Gift Card when spending 50,000 THB
Uplift Your Experience with the Extra Deal
• Mastercard Holders GET FREE Siam Gift Card 250/1,000 THB with the expense of 5,000/15,000 THB
• VISA card Holders GET FREE Siam Gift Card 100 THB with the expense of 2,000 THB.
*T&C Apply. For more promotion details, visit http://bit.ly/2qX8D5O
• 消费满 3,000 泰铢即可获赠 Pearada 照片框纪念品
• 消费满 5,000 泰铢即可获赠 Coral Lounge 50% 折扣券
• 消费满 50,000 泰铢即可获赠 1,000 泰铢暹罗礼品卡
• 万事达卡Mastercard持卡人消费满 5,000/15,000 泰铢即可获赠 250/1,000 泰铢暹罗礼品卡
• VISA 卡持有者消费满 2,000 泰铢即可免费获得 100 泰铢暹罗礼品卡。
*适用条款与条件。 了解更多促销详情,请点击: http://bit.ly/2qX8D5O